One of the more important aspects of gardening (in my opinion), is the planning phase. What are you going to plant? How are you going to line everything up? What is the right rotation? When do I plant and how? Many people love the idea of gardening, but because they don’t spend the proper time planning, get discouraged because their plants do not do as well as they saw “in the picture.”
Enter the Territorial Seed Company and their Garden Planter web application. Am I selling something? No. Do I think you should subscribe to it? Yes.
I was able to layout my entire plan in little under a day and then was pleasantly suprised that I was also provided with a seasonal planting guide based on my zip code. You can also get a 30-day trial for the app.
Here are a few of the features:
– drag and drop or drag and drag virtual planting
– automatic plant spacing calculations
– seeding, transplant and harvest guides
– links to purchase seeds right from your guide
– printable documents
Go out and give it a try: (follow the link below and click on the “start Garden Planner” button)