This weekend’s agenda was to complete the irrigation and test for leaks. Friday evening, I spent drilling the hose pathways through the boxes and managed to complete them all while I still had some light left. Saturday morning, we started pretty early, putting together the remainder of the connector segments so that we could assemble everything pretty quickly.
Once those segments were installed, the home stretch was merely measuring and running the drip lines, which went very fast. Here is a picture of the northern three beds of our garden with the irrigation in place.

After finishing the drip lines, we attached the hose line adapter, hooked up the pressure regulator and then flushed the lines. Then, we capped the ends and turned that sucker on. We only found two leaks, one due to a badly seated section and the other due to a split “L” connector. Luckily, I had some duct tape handy – have I ever told you that duct tape can fix anything? Anyhow, the split “L” will be replaced next weekend and the duct tape will hold the leak for the time being.
Was a productive weekend!