French Marigolds – Roots and Repellents

Type:  Seed (annual, freely seeding)
Soil Type:  Prefers well-drained soil; recommend slightly to moderately acidic soil with pH between 5.8 and 6.5;
Sun Requirements:  Full sun
Best Planting Time:  Indoors – four to six weeks before last frost date – beware of damping off; Outdoors – after danger of frost has past.
Important Characteristic:  Prolific seeder; if allowed to freely seed, will self-propagate year after year;  allow deadheads to dry and harvest for seeds if desired
Attracts:  Butterflies, hummingbirds
Repels:  Aphids and white flies; secrets thiophene, which may kill ‘root-knot nematodes’ – if you leave the root system in the ground, the effect against nematodes can last up to three years
Pests:  Japanese beetle, red spider mites, slugs, snails, parasitic nematodes
Companion Plants: – FAVORABLE – broccoli, eggplant, peppers, potatoes, squash, tomatoes – UNFAVORABLE – beans
Soil Benefits:  N/A

French marigolds are an easy-to-grow annual flower which grows shorter and bushier than traditional marigolds.  The blooms are typically light gold with a deep maroon center and plumage is dark green. As stated in the summary above, french marigolds can be started indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost or outdoors after danger of frost has past.  Germination is easy and will generally occur within a few days. Transplant or plant French marigolds in bunches so that the root system can have a good lasting effect on root-knot nematodes.  When watering, let the soil dry out first, then water until moist. French marigolds plants thrive in full sunlight and prefer well-drained loamy soil.

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